It’s been killing me to not show everyone what I’ve been working on. But for now it’s a secret.
It’s like being stuck underground when you know there’s so much good you can do. If only you were free to break out of your shell and show everyone.
This journey has been a crazy one. Doubt was a formidable foe that often had me down, but never out.
Believe it.
Obstacles often get in the way, but there are always solutions. Like this one…
I don’t have a light board, and my ruler wasn’t long enough to do the perspective grid I was wanting for this piece. So I created a perspective grid on Clip Studio, printed it, and traced it here on my window.
I get many people that message me with made up reasons for why they can’t or don’t draw. “What do I draw?”, “I don’t know what to draw.”, “I don’t have an iPad.”, “I don’t have good tools.”, “I don’t know how.”
All of these excuses are just you avoiding the unavoidable embarrassment of not being good yet.
Draw whatever. You don’t have to be inspired. Pick something and draw it.
You don’t need an IPad. For the first 20 years of my life I drew on notebook paper and printer paper. It’s cheap. A pencil is like $1. That’s less than a candy bar these days.
What thing were you automatically good at that was worth being good at? Learning by default means you don’t know. I’m still learning. Just start. Be terrible, but start. No one that cares about you cares that you’re not good yet.
So in the immortal recitation of Charlie’s political speech, read by the infamous Dennis, “So do!”
If you got this far, comment “Apollo” to say hi to our cute, deaf AF Frenchie that kept me company while we boarded him for a few days. 💪🏻😎
